Mexican official says NAFTA talks with the US have ‘concluded,’ deal announcement coming

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A Mexican official told CNBC on Monday that trade talks with the U.S. have wrapped up, adding that an announcement could come later in the day.

Officials were in Washington trying to work out the issues as the Trump administration pushes to remake the 1994 agreement with the U.S., Mexico and Canada. There was some hope that a new NAFTA could be solidified before Mexico’s government turnover on Dec. 1.

The comment from the Mexican official came a day after Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said the two sides were likely “hours” away from reaching a deal. “We’ve continued making progress,” Guajardo told reporters.

President Donald Trump later tweeted that a deal with Mexico was “looking good.”

The official also said the U.S. and Mexico have “reached understanding on key issues,” adding that Canada will now “re-engage” in the negotiations. Canada has remained on the sidelines of trade talks recently while the U.S. aimed at first striking a deal with Mexico.

"Sakali masalah bilateral direngsekeun, Kanada bakal ngagabung kana ceramah pikeun ngerjakeun masalah bilateral sareng masalah trilateral urang," Chrystia Freeland, menteri luar nagri Kanada, saur Jumaah. "Sareng bakal resep ngalakukeun éta, saatos masalah bilateral AS-Mexico parantos direngsekeun."

The White House said Monday: “We have no update at this time.”

Negosiasi geus nyeret salila sababaraha bulan. Patugas ngarep-ngarep pikeun ngabungkus minggu kamari tapi éta sateuacan gangguan anu disababkeun ku pangakuan kaliru anu diasupkeun Salasa ku tilas pengacara Trump, Michael Cohen, sareng putusan kaliru diturunkeun ngalawan tilas manajer kampanye Trump, Paul Manafort.

The Mexican peso jumped 1 percent higher the dollar at 18.7. Shares of trade bellwethers Caterpillar and Boeing rose 2.3 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively.