warta Forex, warta parusahaan, Analisis

GameStop jumps 5% in extended trading after announcing 4-for-1 stock split

A screen displays the logo and trading information for GameStop on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) March 29, 2022.Brendan McDermid | ReutersShares of GameStop jumped 5% ...

Saham nyieun gerakan pangbadagna lohor: Micron, Kohl's, Meta Platforms sareng seueur deui

Ieu mangrupikeun saham anu ngeposkeun gerakan panggedéna dina perdagangan siang. Eupan balik sinyal2frex ...

FTX nandatanganan deal anu masihan pilihan pikeun mésér lender crypto BlockFi

Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, at the Bitcoin 2021 conference in Miami, Florida, on June 5, 2021.Eva Marie Uzcategui | Bloomberg | Getty ImagesFTX has signed a deal ...

The S&P 500 just had its worst first half in more than 50 years, which ‘stressed’ this classic investment strategy

Stock trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.Spencer Platt | Getty Images News | Getty ImagesThe S&P 500 Index, a barometer of U.S. stocks, just had its ...

A ETF anyar investasi dina relief musibah ngajalankeun dina waktu keur usum angin topan

The Atlantic hurricane season is in full swing, and a new exchange-traded fund that focuses on disaster recovery has launched just in time for it.The first-of-its-kind Procure Disaster Recovery Strategy ...

Koréa Kalér kamungkinan penjahat balik $ 100 juta crypto heist, peneliti nyebutkeun

A photo illustration showing the North Korean flag and a computer hacker.Budrul Chukrut | Sopa Images | Lightrocket | Getty ImagesNorth Korean state-sponsored hackers were likely the perpetrators of a ...

SPACs ngusap kaluar satengah tina nilai maranéhanana salaku investor leungit napsu pikeun saham tumuwuh picilakaeun

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, June 16, 2022.Brendan McDermid | ReutersSPACs, once Wall Street's hottest tickets, have become one ...

JPMorgan Chase nyarioskeun ka karyawan bank bakal mayar perjalanan ka nagara-nagara anu ngamungkinkeun aborsi

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon speaks at the Boston College Chief Executives Club luncheon in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., November 23, 2021.Brian Snyder | ReutersJPMorgan Chase, one of the largest employers ...

Saham futures ragrag sanggeus dip averages utama, investor mull perhatian resesi

Stock futures declined early on Thursday after the major indexes slipped into the red at the end of regular trading and investors weighed the likelihood of a recession after Federal ...

Fed ngajangjikeun pendekatan 'saratna' pikeun ngirangan inflasi dina laporan ka Kongrés

U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell takes questions after the Federal Reserve raised its target interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point to stem a disruptive surge in ...

Resesi AS henteu 'teu bisa dihindari,' tapi inflasi nyaeta 'unacceptably tinggi,' Sekretaris Khazanah Yellen nyebutkeun

Talk of a recession has accelerated this year as inflation remains high and the Federal Reserve takes aggressive steps to counter ...

Inflasi sareng kasieunan resesi nyerep sababaraha industri langkung seueur tibatan anu sanés

A woman pushes a shopping cart through the grocery aisle at Target in Annapolis, Maryland, on May 16, 2022, as Americans brace for summer sticker shock as inflation continues to ...

Ieu tilu hal anu dilakukeun ku Fed anu salah, sareng naon anu masih henteu leres

The exterior of the Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building is seen in Washington, D.C., June 14, 2022.Sarah Silbiger | ReutersAfter years of being a beacon for financial markets, ...

Pandemic-era checks rewired how these Americans see money: ‘Stimulus changed how I think about what’s possible’

Ciydemimages | E+ | Getty ImagesFor Denise Diaz, the benefits of pandemic-era stimulus checks went beyond everyday dollars and cents. They rewired how she thinks about money.Diaz, a mother of ...

Powell sumpah yén Fed 'acutely fokus' dina bringing handap inflasi

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell speaks to reporters after the Federal Reserve raised its target interest rate by three-quarters of a percentage point to stem a disruptive surge in ...

Sadayana terang yén inflasi aya seuneu. Ieu naon sabenerna fueling eta

Meat is seen in a supermarket as rising inflation affects consumer prices in Los Angeles, California, June 13, 2022.Lucy Nicholson | ReutersInflation doesn't just happen at the gas pump and ...

Hiji dinten saatos jaminan Powell ngeunaan ékonomi, pasar hariwang yén 'Fed ngarecah hiji hal'

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell's insistence that the central bank is not deliberately trying to cause a recession and that the economy is on solid footing is exactly what someone ...

Ditengah inflasi catetan, 36% karyawan earning $100,000 atawa leuwih nyebutkeun aranjeunna hirup paycheck mun paycheck.

South_agency | E+ | Getty ImagesMore than a third of high-earning American workers feel strapped for cash — a share that has risen dramatically in recent years.Thirty-six percent of U.S ...

Fed naékkeun suku bunga patokan ku 0.75 titik persentase, paningkatan pangbadagna saprak 1994

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday launched its biggest broadside yet against inflation, raising benchmark interest rates three-quarters of a percentage point in a move that equates to the most aggressive ...

Saham futures naek sanggeus Fed naek ongkos ku paling saprak 1994

U.S. stock index futures were higher in overnight trading on Wednesday ...
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