Your first trade for Friday, October 26

Finance news

The “Fast Money” traders shared their first moves for the market open.

Tim Seymour was a buyer of JPMorgan

Steve Grasso was a buyer of Lennar

Karen Finerman was a buyer of Bank of America

Dan Nathan was a buyer of Snap

Trader disclosure: On October 25, 2018 the following stocks and commodities mentioned or intended to be mentioned on CNBC’s “Fast Money” were owned by the “Fast Money” traders: Tim Seymour is long ACBFF, AMZA, ACB, APC, APH, BABA, BAC, BIDU, BX, C, CCJ, CGC, CLF, CMG, CNTTF, CRON, CSCO, CWEB, CX, DAL, DPZ, DVYE, EA, EEM, ERJ, EUFN, EWM, FB, FXI, GE, GILD, GM, GOOGL, GTII, GWPH, HAL, HK.APH, HYYDF, INTC, ITHUF, JD, KHRNF, KSHB, LEAF, MAT, MCD, MJNE, MO, MOS, MPEL, MPX, MRMD, NKE, OGI, ORGMF, OTC, PAK, PHM, PYPL, RH, RL, SBUX, SQ, STZ, T, TER, TIF, TGOD, TRSSF, TRST, TWTR, UA, UAL, VALE, VIAB, VOD, X, XLE, XRT, YNDX, 700. Tim is on the advisory board of Tikun Olam, TGOD, CCTV, and MJ Holdings. Tim is short IWM, RACE, SPY. Tim’s firm is long CGC, HEXO, TLRY, CRON, APH. Steve Grasso is long stock AAPL, BABA, BHC, CAR, CGC, CXO, EVGN, EOG, F, GE, JCP, LEN, LNC, MJNA, OSTK, PFE, RAD, SNAP, SQ, T, TWTR. Grasso owns Callable Trigger contingent yield note linked to SPX, RTY, and MXEA. Grasso’s kids own EFA, EFG, EWJ, IJR, SPY, TUR. Grasso’s firm is long stock BGCP, COTY, CTL, CUBA, DIA, DVN, F, GE, GLD, GM, GSK, HPQ, IAU, IBM, ICE, KHC, LEN, MAT, MSFT, MJNA, NE, QCOM, QQQ, RIG, SNAP, SNGX, SPY, T, WDR, WHR, XRX, ZNGA. Grasso bought CXO, EOG, F, LNC. Karen Finerman’s firm is long ANTM, C, CBS, FB, FDX, FL, FNAC, GOOG, GOOGL, GLNG, GMLP, JPM, KORS puts, LYV, SPY puts, SPY put spreads, TBT, URL, WIFI. Her firm is short IWM. Karen Finerman is long AAL, BAC, BOT Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, C, CAT, CBS, DAL, DVYE, DXJ, EEM, EPI, EWW, EWZ, DVYE, FB, FL, GM, GMLP, GLNG, GOOG, GOOGL, JPM, LOW, LYV, KFL, KORS, KORS calls, MA, MTW, PRCP, SEDG, SPY puts, TACO, WIFI, WFM. Karen Finerman is long FB, GOOG, GOOGL spread calls. Karen Finerman is short KRE, TBT calls. Bitcoin and Ethereum are in her kids’ Trust. Karen bought PRCP. Dan Nathan is long XLF Dec put spread. Long SMH Nov put spread. Long QQQ Nov put spread. Long INTC nov call spread. Long EA Nov risk reversal. Long Box Jan risk reversal.

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