‘There’s not much to dislike’ about Dow stock Visa, says trader

Finance news

Visa has been on a tear this year, up 23 percent and leading the Dow. TradingAnalysis.com founder Todd Gordon is betting on a bigger rally for the stock when it reports earnings next week.

Gordon told CNBC’s “Trading Nation” on Tuesday that “there’s not much to dislike” about the chart of the credit card giant, referring specifically to what he describes as a “beautiful uptrend” for Visa that has been in place since February.

A shorter-term chart of Visa leads Gordon to believe that the stock is currently settling into a fourth Elliott wave, leading him to predict that there will be a fifth and final wave that pushes Visa to $145. At the same time, he also identifies that support is at around $137 given the stock’s current consolidation.

As a result, Gordon wants to sell the July 27 weekly 139-strike put and buy the July 27 weekly 137-strike put for a credit of 79 cents, or $79 total credit. This means that if Visa closes above $139 on July 27 expiration, then Gordon would make the $79 credit on the trade.

However, if Visa were to close below $137 on the expiration date, then Gordon could lose $121. But the stock was already trading at just over $139 on Tuesday, meaning Visa just needs to hold above its current level when the market closes on July 27.

The trade: Gordon is suggesting selling the July 27 weekly 137/139 put spread in V for about $79 credit.

Bottom line: Gordon sees V rallying above $139 on July 27 expiration.