Weekly Focus: Moment of Truth Approaching for the Riksbank

Fundamental analysis of Forex market

Market Movers ahead

  • The hearing period for the planned US tariffs on USD200bn worth of Chinese imports is ending, and an announcement of the tariffs is likely to follow.
  • The US job report is expected to show steady wage growth and rebounding employment.
  • Brexit will return to centre stage as the House of Commons returns from summer holiday.
  • Sweden’s election is likely to result in a frail p olitical situation, but before that, it is a close call as to whether the Riksbank will maintain its expectation of a rate hike this year at its upcoming policy meeting.

Global macro and market themes

  • Italy trading out of line compared with peers according to rating.
  • NAFTA revamp close to being concluded.
  • EM continues to struggle.
  • No frontrunner to replace Draghi

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